
Office shut down FAQs

At Younis Orthodontics, we will always place people first. The health and well-being of our patients, their families and our community is our number one priority. In that spirit, we believe it is our personal responsibility to help prevent the spread of this virus. We have closed our office to all non-urgent orthodontic care starting March 17th. I will be providing updates to your questions and concerns here on this BLOG page.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q: Is your office closed?
  • A: Yes, our physical office is closed to the general public but we are answering the phone and seeing patients who have a true emergency by appointment only.
  • Q: How do I reach you?
  • A: You can call or text us on our phone. 304-263-4946 You can also send us a photo of any orthodontic problem you have using the same number.
  • Q: How long will the office be closed?
  • A: We are currently following the guidelines recommended to us by state and federal authorities. At this time we are scheduled to re-open in April and will re-evaluate as the situation evolves.
  • Q: What is a true emergency?
  • A: A true emergency is an orthodontic situation that is cutting or ulcerating your mouth, tongue or cheek. Or, an orthodontic problem that is interfering with eating, speaking, or breathing. For example: We don’t want you to go to the ER for a long wire.
  • Q: I have an appointment scheduled. How do I know if it’s still on the books or if it’s been canceled?
  • A: We have and will continue to reach out to all patients who need to be re-scheduled. It is not necessary to contact us to check on the status of your next appointment. We will be in touch. Please check your phone for texts, or calls from our number.
  • Q: What if I want to go ahead and re-schedule my appointment?
  • A: You may call or text us anytime 304-263-4946 for assistance in re-scheduling.
  • Q: I or my child has braces on and the appointment has been re-scheduled. What will happen to the treatment?
  • A: The great thing about braces is that the nature of the superelastic wires continue to work even without any adjustment. While it is true, that we tighten and occasionally change ties and sometimes wires at a visit, wires continue to work. When life and our schedule returns to normal, we will do more adjustments at your next appointment to keep your treatment on schedule.
  • Q: I’m wearing aligners and I am running out or on my last aligner. What do I do?
  • A: Whenever possible, we are giving patients additional aligners that we already have or in some cases, we are having patients wear the current set of aligners for a few more weeks to bridge the time until the next visit. As with braces, we will be able to make some adjustments to keep you on schedule.
  • Q: I lost or broke my retainer. What do I do?
  • A: As you probably remember when you were in braces, teeth move pretty slowly. Even without a retainer for a few weeks, most people’s teeth don’t move or move minimally. It’s not going to be a problem to make you a new retainer or clean up any minor issues.
  • Q: What about my child’s follow up appointment to see how teeth were growing and developing?
  • A: We will miss seeing you and your child but generally speaking tooth development is also a slow process. I frequently mention to parents at these follow up visits that when their child is ready for treatment that the best time is more of a 3-6 month treatment window than a “we gotta do this right now”. So, your child should be just fine to grow a little more before the next visit.