
Braces and Sports

Whether it’s soccer, football, running or something else, there’s no doubt that children love sports. And although extra precautions need to be taken when playing sports while wearing braces, your son or daughter will not have to give up their active lifestyle when they’re receiving orthodontic treatment. In fact, if you and your child keep these three tips in mind, they’ll be back on the playing field in no time.

Wear a Mouthguard

Many sports require players to wear mouthguards to protect them from concussions and to protect their teeth. Wearing a mouthguard is especially important when your child has braces. You can buy an orthodontic mouthguard at any sports store or you can also speak with your orthodontist about getting fit for an orthodontic mouthguard.

Be Careful

It may go without saying, but as a parent, it is important for you to remind your child to be mindful of their braces and to wear their mouthguard while playing, and to keep an eye on them to make sure they are not behaving recklessly or dangerously. Mouth injuries with braces can be extremely serious, leading to broken teeth, broken brackets and wires and cuts to the lips or gums. It’s better for your child to be cautious than for them to risk their oral health while playing sports.

Ask for a Second Opinion

As long as your child is careful, there is no reason why he or she should not continue to enjoy sports when they get braces. However, if you find yourself unsure or want to get a second opinion, discuss things with your child’s orthodontist. They’ll be able to provide an informed opinion based on their knowledge of your child’s treatment and personality.

Sports are an excellent way to have fun, get exercise and socialize with friends. Having braces doesn’t have to change that. With the right attitude, your child can continue to enjoy the active lifestyle they’re accustomed to. Schedule a free consultation for you or your child at Younis Orthodontics today!